Saturday, April 25, 2009

Only Here

Only in Detroit. I swear, really, only here.

Only in a place that had Matt Millen run a franchise into the ground for far too long than ever should have been allowed.

Only in a place that takes an overweight WR when you have spent the last 2 years picks on WR.

Only in a place where most of the draft picks from the past 5 years are out of the NFL.

Only in the land of Charles Rogers, Mike Williams, Aaron Gibson, Terry Fair, Teddy Lehman, Shaun Cody, Drew Stanton, Joey Harrington, and Jordan Dizon.

Only in a place where you can draft a QB in the 2nd round one year, and a MLB in the 2nd rd the next year and most places list those 2 positions as the top two positions of need the year after.

Only in a place where you have the 2nd worst defense in the HISTORY OF THE NFL, and hire a coach from one of the best defensives in the league, can a team

spend the 20th pick on TE Brandon Pettigrew.

I understand that the Lions are a long, long way away. I also understand the idea of taking "the best player available." I know the top guys at the Lions warned us, "we cannot worry about offense, or defense, we have to take the best guy there."

But it is going to be very hard to explain to me how drafting a TE, on a team that has a need at almost all 22 starting positions helps this team get better faster than the other choices.

This is why, when the Bills were selecting 11th overall, I looked to a friend and said, "I hope they take Pettigrew here, so the Lions don't have a chance to mess this up." that time they laughed, a little over an hour later, it was more like screaming.


1 comment:

  1. For those who want to put a positive spin on things. I will give you the very short form of the positive spin.

    On Saturday the Lions drafted
    The #1 QB
    The #1 TE and
    The #1 S
    in the entire draft.

    By the 7th game of the season, these will be 3 starters. The Lions will be getting blacked out and either 0-6 or 1-5. Stafford will get placed into the lineup hoping that people will show up to see him play. Because of the blackout laws, going to the games will be the only way to see Stafford.
