Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NFL's Top 5 Quarterbacks

I know that it is hard for many NFL fans to look beyond statistics. The fact is that most NFL fans are as much fans of their own "fantasy teams" as they are of their home squad. In Michigan, with the dreadful Lions that may be even more prevalent. But the fact is, that if there is any position in professional sports where your value can be based more on your teams success than your individual statistics its a NFL QB. A quarterback in the NFL has the game in his hands more than any other position in any other sport (especially with the rules of the NFL being shifted to help QBs every season).

With all that said I will proceed.

1. Tom Brady
I know that he missed all of last season, but I still remember how good he has been. He has been great on teams with lessor known WR, he has been great on teams with big name wideouts. He rejuvenated the career of Randy Moss, a player who many forget had been given up on by most. He has led the underdog to victory, and carried the favorites to great heights. He is the reason that I will pick the Patriots to win the title come next preseason.

2. Ben Roethlisberger
His career has been that which may be worthy RIGHT NOW of the hall of fame. His winning percentage is among the best ever. If you take out his season following the motorcycle absence, it would be even better. I know that some will argue that his defense has been the reason for the Steelers success. The defense has been great, but Ben makes plays. He converts 3rd and long in the playoffs and 4th quarters of games. Ben doesn't allow himself to get sacked. He is the size of a defensive end, and as elusive as any QB.

3. Peyton Manning
Statistically he is the best. He gets it done. He has had the luxury of a franchise that has spent most of their draft picks on improving his offense (wayne, d clark, Ugoh, E James, Addai) even at the expense of the defense which has lacked at times. But he hasn't had the luxury of the great defenses of the Patriots and Steelers. He has made plays, and has won a Super Bowl, but if you are honest he has failed in the big moments far more times than he has succeeded. In comparison to Brady/Big Ben there is no comparion, those two WIN when the oppurtunity is there.

4. Drew Brees
He doesn't have the winning success of the top tier guys, but he has the statistics of any QB in the league today. He is more likely to throw for over 400 yards than under 200. If he can get any type of defensive help in New Orleans he will get the winning of the other QB. His arm strength was questioned after SD, but that is no longer the case. Brees spreads the ball out as well as anyone, and he also both hits deep WR and the short routes.

5. Philip Rivers
Barely over Kurt Warner and Donovan McNabb. Rivers has the luxury of having a good ground game to help out his passing game. This past season that ground game struggled mightily and Rivers was not shook. Rivers in fact led the Chargers to the playoffs after starting terribly. Rivers has Antonio Gates, but his WR are ones that others had given up on, or didn't believe in to start with. Rivers is not the esthetic choice with his funky short-armed release, but he gets the job done. The Chargers passing game will dominate through the air for the next 5 years plus.

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